We're passionate about building community and enjoying fellowship with one another outside of Sunday services. That's where our Bible Studies come in and why they are an important part of our ministries at Old Union Church. They cover a variety of topics from a biblical perspective and give opportunity to discuss and apply the Bible to everyday life.

The Men's Bible Study is on Wednesday nights from 7-8 pm at the church. This time begins with fellowship and sharing of prayer requests. The discussion is usually focused aroung a topic of study in which the Word of God is examined as a whole. This time is very relational with a question-and-answer format directed by a facilitator.

The Women's Bible Study meets weekly at Catrick's restaurant on Wednesdays at 10:30am. The group consist of ladies from various churches in town. The Bible study is usually topical in nature. It is a very relational and welcoming environment where ladies can dig into the Word of God and develop friendships. Some of the ladies choose to eat lunch at the restaurant and continue their time of fellowship.